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I have been out on the doorstep and I constantly hear the same message from those I speak to. These messages form the basis of my priorities to you:

I would support investment in our public services to reduce NHS waiting times, increase access to NHS dentists and ensure people are able to access quality and affordable social care.


I would urgently advocate for more support for all of our schools. Schools across our region need more teachers and are in a financial funding crisis which can no longer be ignored.


I would vote in favour of measures to support our local businesses and innovation. Local businesses are the heart of our communities and I would do all I can to reinvigorate our high streets, so our businesses can create well-paid and good quality jobs.


I would vote in favour of greater protections for our incredible coastline and I would do all I can to end the dumping of raw sewage into our seas and rivers. I would support investment in cleaner, greener energy.


I have seen first-hand the need for more police on our streets to address the rise in crime and anti-social behaviour so I will be voting to increase the numbers of police on our streets and supporting measures to reduce violence against women and girls. We also need to protect all children and ensure appropriate support is available to those facing homelessness or struggling with addiction.


From renters to small businesses owners to homeowners, everyone is feeling the impact of the cost of living crisis. I would vote on measures to address this, including to bring in a proper windfall tax on oil and gas giants so that their record profits can be used to ease the pressure on the cost of living.

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